Sadhguru marketing case study

How did Sadhguru become so famous?

I’m a big fan of #Sadhguru, and how he’s built a massive content empire over the years,

In this article, we will uncover 4 marketing strategies used by team Sadhguru to spread awareness about #ishafoundation and become the guru who broke the internet.

Let’s get started.

1. Creating a lot of content on YouTube

With a cumulative of 100M+ followers spread across 50+ YouTube channels, and several social media handles, Sadhguru has created a lot of content on topics related to Yoga, spirituality, meditation, etc

and not just in English and Hindi, Sadhguru has created multiple channels in languages like Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Chinese, Japanese, German, French, and 30 more languages.

Creating so much content density around highly searched topics like these over the years has given Sadhguru an advantage, and a lot of organic views.

2. Strategic Influencer partnerships –

Sadhguru’s PR team is smart, they’ve managed to rope in the top influencers, creators, and politicians, and strategically hosted interviews, podcasts and talk shows with them.

Appearing with familiar faces, time and again, builds trust and authority, and introduces Sadhguru to the audiences of these celebrities.

Narendra Modi, Shahrukh Khan, Mike Tyson, Joe Rogan, Amitabh Bachan, and Leonardo di Caprio, are just a few names in the list of 100s of top celebs across the globe.

Sadhguru and Narendra Modi - Marketing strategy

3. Mission-driven approach –

Appearing on all possible screens is only half the battle won, and team Sadhguru understands this really well,

Gandhiji had the Dandi March to fight against oppressive tax laws, the non-cooperative movement, the “Ahimsa movement” and many other campaigns that brought together India, and Indians to unite and fight the British Raj,

And just like Gandhi — Sadhguru has multiple campaigns with grand mission statements –

Initiatives like the SaveSoil, Cauvery Calling, Rally for rivers, etc brought together his audience, and volunteers to a collective mission greater than Sadhguru and Isha — It helped build credibility and authority.

Sadhguru's Save soil campaign

4. Community-backed distribution channels –

Imagine the power of millions of devotees, and volunteers coming together to talk about one singular man and his mission.

Well, Sadhguru is a brilliant social scientist who understands people, and marketing really well.

There are hundreds if not 1000s of unofficial channels, and social media handles run by volunteers, and fans of Sadhguru which are aimed at distributing the original content created by Sadhguru on his channels,

and the result?

Billions of views — Gathered all organically — Leading to spreading awareness of Sadhguru and Isha, resulting in millions of dollars of revenue, aka donations!

Alternate YouTube channels by Sadhguru

All in all, to conclude — The man, the mystic, the yogi, and the controversy — Sadhguru is a very smart businessman who knows how to leverage social media, and the internet to spread awareness, and knowledge.

PS — Please don’t consider me a hater, I am just a curious student who’s fascinated by Sadhguru and his marketing tactics,

and this answer is just a reflection of that intellectual curiosity.

If you want to know more, you can watch this video –


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